What kind of battery should I use for common low-power devices such as TV remote controls or alarm clocks? Which battery is best for cordless phones? Confused about choosing between carbon zinc batteries and alkaline batteries? What are the differences between the two batteries? See this article for a brief introduction.
The most important difference between carbon-zinc and alkaline batteries is the type of electrolyte used in the battery. Carbon-zinc batteries usually use ammonium chloride, while alkaline batteries use potassium hydroxide. But those chemical costs don’t say much about what the battery is for. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully understand the capacity, advantages and applications of the two batteries.
Advantages of Alkaline Batteries
Alkaline batteries have a higher energy density and a longer shelf life, or the amount of time a battery can be stored without losing capacity. Alkaline batteries are the result of extensive research and development efforts and contain three unique technologies. The first is the leak protection, which protects the appliance from damage caused by liquid leakage. Root causes in battery leaks are changes in the battery’s chemical composition and gases produced during discharge.
Second, alkaline batteries have a specially designed coating that reduces contact resistance and improves reliability. Finally, Alkaline batteries feature a super power formula that lasts longer for power-hungry devices.see more:how to charge 20v lithium battery without a charger
Which devices are suitable for alkaline batteries
Since alkaline batteries have a higher capacity than carbon-zinc batteries, they are more suitable for high power consumption devices such as electric toothbrushes, toys, and game controllers.
Advantages of carbon-zinc batteries
High-power carbon-zinc batteries have long been widely used. Simple, proven and reliable technology with an excellent price/performance ratio. For low power consumption equipment, it is extremely economical in terms of unit hour cost.
Which equipment is suitable for carbon-zinc batteries
Carbon-zinc batteries are a reliable power source for devices that consume less power. Devices such as TV remote controls, clocks, smoke detectors, and flashlights are more suitable for carbon batteries due to their lower power consumption. You can still use it for a longer period of time for the same money.
As expected, the capacities of the two batteries are quite different. Due to the difference in chemical composition, alkaline batteries provide better power than carbon batteries. Therefore, the two batteries are suitable for different devices.
other batteries
Some devices use batteries other than those described in this article. High Power can supply various types of battery products suitable for various devices.